How Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Navigate Jury Selection in Orlando?

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Fighting For You From Day One

If you are being charged with a crime, whether it’s a misdemeanor or a felony, you are likely experiencing a multitude of confusing feelings. Criminal charges of any kind are a terrifying prospect. Facing these charges with an inexperienced lawyer or overworked public defender as your only shield against a system designed to trip you up makes it more overwhelming.

Criminal convictions carry devastating consequences that impact not only your own life but the lives of all your loved ones. You need the guidance and skill of a formidable criminal defense team. You need Panella Law Firm. Call us today at 407-602-6559 for a detailed case evaluation. Your future is worth fighting for.

How Can I Be Sure I Get A Fair Trial?

Our American Justice system is far from perfect, but it is designed to offer everyone a chance to prove their innocence before a court of their peers. Depending upon the type of case, there are different types of juries. Jury selection is a complex process; your defense team will work hard to ensure you have the best chance for a positive outcome.

A petit jury is a type of jury in a trial. Petit juries decide both criminal and civil cases. In criminal cases, a petit jury decides whether the government has proven beyond “a reasonable doubt” that the crime was committed as charged.
In a civil case, a petit jury decides whether the plaintiff establishes with evidence that the defendant somehow injured the plaintiff.

Juries are comprised of 6-12 people. Trials are generally public, but jury deliberations are private. Petit juries render a guilty/not guilty verdict.

How Will My Defense Team Help Ensure the Jury Selection is Fair?

After the jury is impaneled, the Judge or the lawyers will ask the potential jurors whether they have prior knowledge of the case or any experiences that might cause them to be biased or unfair. This process of questioning is known as Voir Dire, or “to speak the truth.”

If either side believes a potential juror is prejudiced about the case, they can be dismissed “for cause.” The judge considers each request and may or may not be allowed. Additionally, each side has a specific number of challenges they can issue without giving a cause. This allows a lawyer to dismiss any juror they believe that the juror will not serve the client’s best interest. These challenges are limited based on the type of case being tried.

What Qualities Should I Look For in a Criminal Defense Attorney?

There are many criminal defense attorneys to choose from, and you want to make sure you choose a team that has your back from day one. Some aspects to consider are:

  • Reputation- research the background of the team working for you. Find out what sort of reputation the firm has in the community. For example, Panella Law Firm has years of experience serving Orlando residents.
  • Personal Attention- The last thing you want to experience from your defense team is that you are “just a number” among many clients. You need to know that your team is on your side from day one and knows your case.
  • Constant Support- You deserve the undivided support of your legal team. At Panella Law Firm, you will have your attorney’s undivided attention and a paralegal assigned to your case.
  • Results-oriented- One of the most important considerations when hiring counsel is the strategies they will employ in your defense. Our criminal defense lawyers are on your side. We will fight for you from day one and lead you through the entire process, giving you the peace of mind and freedom to concentrate on getting your life back together. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves a chance to make it right.

What Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Do That I Can’t Do Myself?

Many people facing criminal charges mistakenly believe that the cost of hiring a criminal defense attorney is prohibitive and not worth it when they can easily defend themselves. But criminal defense attorneys are trained and have access to do so much more for you and your defense than you could hope to achieve on your own. Building a robust defense against criminal charges takes a savvy team of legal professionals. A strong criminal defense lawyer can:

  • Find and interview witnesses.
  • Investigate witnesses and their statements.
  • Scrutinize police actions and behavior.
  • Develop strategies suited to your case.
  • Custom tailor a legal resolution.
  • Assess plea offers and potential trial outcomes.
  • Serve as a buffer between you and the prosecution team.
  • Guide you seamlessly through every step of the process.

When Should I Call A Criminal Defense Attorney?

Facing criminal charges, whether felony or misdemeanor, is a frightening prospect. The consequences of a criminal conviction can be life-altering. A conviction will affect your finances, the well-being of your family, and those who love and care for you.

The best way to mitigate the damage is to employ the services of a skilled and knowledgeable criminal attorney on your side from day one. At Panella Law Firm, we believe in providing all our clients with a robust legal defense. We build personal relationships with our clients and provide constant compassionate support throughout the legal process.

Your future is worth fighting for. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone deserves a chance to make it right. Call Panella Law Firm for a detailed Case evaluation at 407-602-6559.

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