Orlando Family Law Lawyer

Our Team Of Family Law Lawyers In Orlando Can Assist In Your Case

When going through a divorce, a child custody dispute, or another stressful problem, look for a family law lawyer in Orlando who will represent your interests knowledgeably and compassionately. Panella Law Firm will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve during this most difficult time in your life. Our experienced Orlando family law attorneys will do everything possible to gain the best outcome in your matter. You can count on us to be by your side, providing sound legal support every step of the way.

Trust Panella Law Firm to be your powerful advocate throughout the legal process. We will work diligently on your behalf to resolve your family law concern in a manner that is in line with your goals. Call us at 407-602-6559 to set up a consultation.
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Panella Law Firm Accepts Cases Throughout Florida

Help From Skilled, Compassionate Orlando Family Law Lawyers

Get Experienced Legal Help When It Counts Most

Emotions run very high in family legal disputes. It may be hard to think clearly about the proper steps for yourself. If you have children, the confusion and anxiety only increase. We recognize that no matter your family law situation, it is the most important concern in your life right now. When we handle your case, your legal concern becomes our important concern, too. Our skilled family lawyer, Michael Panella understands Florida’s family courts and the legal process. He works hard to secure the most favorable outcome for his clients.

Why Choose Us?

When going through a divorce or other family dispute, you need family law attorneys who are compassionate and fierce advocates for your rights. Our family law attorneys at Panella Law Firm care about our clients and act as their fierce advocates during settlements, discovery processes, and the courtroom. Attorney Mike Panella found his passion for the law at a young age after his family received an unjust resolution to a legal matter.

Attorney Huda Saleh prides herself on her ability to relate to people from all walks of life. This skill serves her clients well, especially in family law disputes when tensions run high on both sides. She has a history of getting the best possible outcomes for her clients. She works tirelessly to protect their rights in cases with or without monetary outcomes, such as custody disputes.

The skill and compassion of our Orlando Family Law Attorneys are readily seen in the testimonials provided by our clients. Time and again, people say that when you need help, you should turn to Panella Law Firm.

“Integrity and dedication to clients is the absolute goal of this firm.” – Client testimonial.

How We Can Help

At Panella Law Firm, we understand it’s easy to feel alone when dealing with a family law matter. It is difficult to reach out to others or even to fight for yourself because other family members and loved ones are involved. We evaluate every family law client individually, because no two people’s experiences are the same.

We will have to ask you some tough questions, but we will do so in a way that shows we truly care about the outcome of your case. We also want and encourage you to ask questions of us. We are partners in resolving your family law dispute, and our goal is to relieve as much of your burden as possible while simultaneously fighting aggressively on your behalf.

You deserve a family law attorney who listens carefully and addresses your concerns quickly. We offer just that at Panella Law Firm. Call us today at 407-602-6559.

Our Divorce Lawyers In Orlando Are On Your Side

Experts say that divorce is life’s second-most stressful event. Only the death of a loved one is worse. Knowing the steps to dissolve your marriage in Florida won’t erase your stress. But understanding the divorce process can help reduce anxiety because you will know what to expect. The three basic types of divorce in Florida are simplified, uncontested, and contested.

  • As the name implies, a simplified divorce is less complicated. You can’t have minor children or babies on the way to be eligible for one. You must either have no property to divide or be able to agree on all property division issues.
  • An uncontested divorce is when spouses work out and agree on all the issues related to their marriage’s ending. This includes custody of children, how assets and debts will be divided, and other concerns.
  • When divorcing couples don’t agree on child custody, property division, and other decisions to end a marriage, it is called a contested divorce. In a contested divorce, a judge will decide for the couple.

What Steps Are Involved In A Contested Florida Divorce?

When the parties can’t agree on divorce terms, they go through the courts. The legal term for divorce in Florida is “dissolution of marriage,” and it starts with one party filing a petition. Following the petition, the other party must respond within 20 days. At this point, either party can ask for temporary orders regarding matters such as custody and support.

This is followed by both parties’ providing pertinent information to the other. This is called discovery. It is critical that you have an experienced, committed family law attorney at this point, as it is not unusual for spouses to try to hide their true worth or assets. Your attorney will know exactly which tax forms, bank statements, and other financial information to demand.

In many counties, Florida couples in a contested divorce then go through mediation. This is an attempt to work things out without drawn-out court proceedings. If the parties still cannot work things out, they go to court.

The final divorce trial involves both sides’ presenting evidence to a judge, who will decide on all outstanding contested matters.

Don’t try to go it alone if you are involved in a divorce with a spouse who doesn’t play fair. Get the help you need from the Panella Law Firm, Orlando family law attorneys. Contact us today at 407-602-6559.

What Is Time-sharing Of Children In Florida?

Though it is commonly used when discussing family separations, Florida law does not use the term custody as it refers to the time each parent spends with their children following a divorce. Instead, Florida Statute 61.13 uses the term time-sharing. During your divorce, consulting with lawyers for child support in Orlando can be crucial as the judge will set a time-sharing schedule designed to meet the best needs of the children. The result can be majority time-sharing or equal time-sharing.

What Judges Look At In Deciding Time-sharing

Here are some things the court will consider when making a time-sharing plan:

  • Children’s health and safety
  • The moral fitness of each parent
  • How each parent meets the child’s developmental needs
  • Which parent can provide the most stable home environment
  • Whether parents will encourage a positive relationship with the other parent
  • Each parent’s mental and physical health.

In rare cases, judges will award sole parental responsibility to one parent. The parent petitioning the court for sole responsibility will have to work with the lawyer to show that the other committed a third-degree or higher felony domestic violence offense or that they have a substance or alcohol use disorder that puts the children in danger. The domestic violence lawyer plays a crucial role in presenting evidence and building a strong case to protect the well-being and safety of the children involved

Our Family Law Lawyers In Orlando Are Your Advocates

Who gets the children is often a contentious issue during a divorce. When parents can’t agree on terms, the court will decide on custody. The court’s decision will be based on the children’s best interests. Neither parent starts with a greater right to custody.

Sometimes a child’s preference will be considered, depending on their maturity level and age.

After the judge looks at all this, they might grant joint custody to both parents. Or one parent might get sole custody, which may or may not include visitation rights for the other parent.

We Care About You And Your Children’s Best Interests

We know that your children are most important and that you want what best serves their interests. We are powerful advocates for your and your child’s interests in custody arrangements. Call our Orlando family law lawyers at Panella Law Firm at 407-602-6559 for a consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions For Our Orlando Family Law Attorneys

Whenever you seek a family lawyer’s help, you probably have questions. These are some of the questions clients often ask our family law lawyers in Orlando.

How much will I pay in child support if my ex-spouse has custody?

The amount of support ordered by the court varies, depending on the circumstances of each parent, how many children are involved, who has custody, and the healthcare and other needs of the children. Whether you have visitation, part-time or full-time custody of your children, our attorneys will fight to make sure that your children are properly cared for and you are treated fairly

How long will my divorce take?

Every divorce situation is unique, so it is difficult to put an exact time frame on when your divorce will be finalized. When both parties agree on the dissolution, property division, and other factors, a finalized divorce happens more quickly.

Can I change my alimony agreement?

You can petition to modify an alimony agreement if circumstances such as your income change. You can also ask the court to modify your agreement if you believe your ex-spouse no longer needs the income you were providing. Our skilled family law attorneys at Panella Law Firm can walk you through whether it is time to modify your agreement and how to petition the court.

Can I file for divorce without an attorney?

While the state of Florida allows you to file for a divorce without an attorney, doing so comes with significant risks. Things may start amicably and end in a bitter contention. If that happens, you and your attorney must start from scratch. An experienced family law attorney can help you through the process, ensure all papers are filed on time, and stand up for you in settlement negotiations or court if necessary.

Stressful communications with your spouse are common during a divorce or other family problems. You shouldn’t have to deal with that with your family law attorney. Our attorneys at Panella Law Firm will listen closely to all of your questions and ask any questions we have of you with compassion and understanding

Client Testimonial

” I had the pleasure of working with attorney Huda with my time-sharing case, and she was amazing! My case was a very difficult one and she did her best to make sure I wouldn’t be screwed over again with it like I was the first go round with a different attorney. She had my back and looked out for the best interest of my child. Unfortunately, my ex passed away unexpectedly and the case will now have to be closed. I would recommend this firm to anyone who is looking for good law firm who will fight for the best outcome for your case. Thank you again for everything!” – Brittany Smith (Google Review)

Get Support From Our Family Law Lawyers In Orlando

Divorce is a complex process. There are many intricacies that an attorney with in-depth knowledge of family law best handles. When your marriage is ending, our family law attorneys in Orlando, FL, will work hard to ensure your rights are upheld. Call Panella Law Firm at 407-602-6559 to get the skilled legal assistance you need as you make this major life change. We are on your side.

Attorney Mike Panella

For Mike Panella, the concept of zealous advocacy developed at an early age – fueled by what he perceived to be an unjust resolution in a personal family legal matter. Mr. Panella would later attribute his passion to defend the rights of those who stand accused to those inequities in the legal system he observed, and considered unjust. Before opening Panella Law Firm, Mr. Panella served as an Assistant Public Defender for Florida’s 18th Judicial Circuit Public Defender’s Office and worked hundreds of cases in both Brevard and Seminole Counties. Mr. Panella was undefeated at trial. [ Attorney Bio ]

Florida Is A No-fault Divorce State

Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to divorce. What this means is that when you file for divorce, you don’t have to show that the other spouse did something wrong to cause the breakup. You need only say that the marriage is “irretrievably broken,” which basically means that the marriage no longer works.

But if your spouse’s adultery, cruelty or other misdeed did cause you to seek a divorce, this will be important for your attorney to know. Even though fault isn’t considered in filing for divorce, it may be considered when the judge makes decisions about things like dividing up property, alimony, child custody and child support.

Filing for Divorce in Florida

To file for divorce, you or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least six months. In a simplified divorce, both spouses petition the court to end their marriage. In contested or uncontested divorces, the person asking for divorce files and is called the petitioner. The other spouse is the respondent. Once the petitioner files, the respondent is served with divorce papers. There are various dissolution of marriage forms to fill out, depending upon what kind of divorce you are getting. Our seasoned divorce lawyers in Orlando will help you with the paperwork and filing steps.

Trust Our Skilled Family Lawyers In Orlando

We know your family problem is the most important concern in your life right now. Our skilled family lawyers in Orlando bring extensive experience to cases that include:

Whatever situation you have, our goal is to help you satisfactorily resolve it and move on with your life. Call Panella Law Firm today to schedule a consultation. Our phone number is 407-602-6559. We will fight for you.

Contact Our Family Law Attorneys In Orlando, Fl

You don’t have to go through this emotionally trying time alone. Our hardworking family lawyers in Orlando can make the difference in the outcome of your case. You can rely on family lawyer Michael Panella and his associates to be your trusted advocate every step of the way.

How Long Does A Divorce Take?

Most people who are divorcing want it over with as quickly as possible. A simplified divorce is the fastest. It typically takes about 30 days from filing to being finalized. Uncontested divorces can take a few months. Contested divorces can take as long as a year or even two years if there is a lot of disagreement involved.

How Is Property Divided?

Who gets what when a marriage ends can cause a lot of tension in a divorce. Florida is an equitable division state. This means that the court will try to divide the property fairly, but it might not be equally. The judge will look at things like:

  • The length of the marriage
  • Each person’s income and earning potential
  • Each spouse’s debts
  • How many children there are at home
  • Career sacrifices a spouse made to help the other spouse.
What If I Don’t Agree With The Property Division?

You can appeal the judge’s order, but you must do so quickly. There are specific and time-sensitive steps to take in the appeals process that we can advise you about. To be successful in an appeal, it must be shown that a legal error was made. If you try to appeal just because you don’t like the judge’s decision, you won’t be successful. It’s critical to have the help of a skilled divorce attorney in an appeal.

Do I Need A Lawyer To Divorce?

You don’t have to hire a lawyer, but it is often in your best interests. This is especially true in a contested divorce. Our divorce lawyers in Orlando know the law and the local courts and judges and will make sure your rights are protected. Without a lawyer, you could lose out when it comes to assets, child custody and support, alimony and other issues. Even in simplified and uncontested divorces, it can be smart to have an attorney’s help. Our knowledgeable lawyers can answer your questions and review documents before you file them to make sure they are in order.

How Much Does A Divorce Lawyer In Orlando Cost?

The fees for divorce cases vary. How much an attorney will cost depends on the complexity of the case and how many terms are contested. When you meet with us, we can provide an estimate of what your divorce will cost based on the information you provide. It’s important to understand, though, that due to the changeable nature of divorces, we can provide only an estimate, not an exact cost.

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